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Nota! Se algum arquivo pedir senha para descompactar use "FD File Extractor" e descompacte arquivos com a extensão .FD
Note! If a file asked for a password please use FD File Extractor and extract .FD extension
ملاحظة: إذا تم طلب كلمة مرور فك ضغط الملف قم باستخدام برنامج فك الضغط الخاص بنا
Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software v.3.2.4 Release Notes:
- Velvet 5G (G900EM, G900N, G900UM, G900VM)- Wing (F100EM, F100TM, F100N)
- Velvet 5G (G900EMW)- Wing (F100EMW)
- Velvet 4G (G910HM, G910EMW)
- G8x (G850EM, G850QM, G850UM, G850V)- V40 ThinQ (V405UA, V405EB, V405QA)
* - In some cases, you need to reflash to the firmware that supports the second SIM.Second IMEI will be 0000 after performing the operation, and after that it’s not possible to repair it for V40 ThinQ, Velvet 5G and Wing phones.This is a credit-based operation.
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